Gov. Cuomo Announces PSC Approval of New York Energy Solution

Gov. Andrew Cuomo today (Feb. 11, 2021) announced the New York State Public Service Commission has approved the New York Energy Solution electric transmission upgrade project “to speed the flow of clean, reliable energy to high-demand markets and consumers downstate.” Read the Governor’s press release here.

New York Transco President Victor Mullin said, “Governor Cuomo’s vision and strong leadership have led us to this important milestone. New York Transco is grateful for the thorough review provided by the Public Service Commission, Department of Public Service and other State agencies, as well as the engagement of the host communities, businesses and residents. We stand ready to begin construction and advance New York’s renewable energy future.”

The first phase of construction is scheduled to begin in early March. The project is scheduled to be fully operational by the end of 2023.

Read our Certificate of Environmental Compatibility & Public Need here.

Read the PSC’s order approving our Phase 1 Environmental Management & Construction Plan here.